Thursday, February 19, 2015

Do What Feels Right!

For most of us, as children, we had no idea what we wanted to be or do when we got "big" enough to do something. I know for myself I knew that there was more to my life than the pain I was living in, but I had no idea what I would end up being or doing as I got older.

Many people ask me, "Liz how do I find my purpose?"

The only way to know what to do in life is to pay attention to the life you're living right now. You can't be listening to others regarding your purpose. You've got to "BE STILL" in order to listen and hear the voice of God for direction. He will always direct you to your passion. Whatever you end up doing is going to be something you WILL be passionate about. If you believe there is something more to your life than the one you're living, than you've got to listen to your spirit and be guided by that- NOT people. Set yourself apart for some time to figure it out. How much alone time are you spending with YOU?

You deserve and are worthy to live a life filled with passion and purpose. The reason you are here-living- is to figure out what that calling, that purpose is. Everything that happens to you in life is a lesson and everyone you meet is a teacher. Even if you're partner has cheated on you, or your child is locked up in prison, maybe you're in a dead end job...whatever is happening is there to teach you something. Your job is to pay attention.

If you've already discovered what your calling is but you're struggling with receiving it or starting that first project, then you've got to start living and walking in it. Write it out, see it and than move in the direction of working towards it. It all starts with that idea and then the first step you take to bring that idea to life. You will NOT fail if it is indeed your passion. I am not saying it will be easy. But easy is not an option. Easy come- easy go. Come on, we've all heard that saying before.

What do you believe? Because you WILL manifest the life you believe. All it takes is faith the size of a mustard seed. That's all. Have you ever seen a mustard seed? Well, take a look at this mustard seed (below), study it and realize how tiny it is. Now if that's all you need to bring your visions and dreams to life, than it's time to get up and start moving.

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