Wednesday, November 11, 2009

His Love

We all love “LOVE”. We love the idea of love and the beauty in love. Our children, gifts, nature and the list goes on.

But what is the meaning of LOVE?
We all admit that love is wonderful and necessary, yet no one can agree on what is it or isn’t.

What is the meaning of this loosely, mysterious few letter word that we use to describe everything from food, shoes, partners, mistresses, animals and from desires to passions? How is it that we use the same word to express feelings for all these things as we do for God? To be honest there are times we use the word LOVE more passionately for these desires then we do for the God that we claim to worship.

We can easily describe what it feels like to be loved, but we have trouble explaining what it means to be- loving. Why is this? We believe one of our greatest needs is to be loved, and personally I don’t think we can live happy without it. But unfortunately humans have messed up the true meaning of LOVE. We tend to believe lies about love. That love always comes with great feelings of passion. We don’t want to believe that loving another human is difficult and requires wisdom, knowledge, patience, and skills accompanied with emotion. We tend to make ourselves vulnerable to all types of fake expressions of love.

So how do learn the meaning of this word that has been so misused and abused?

The bible describes love in this passage 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 as
“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres”

We all want to experience this kind of love, but no human can and ever will provide it. The only person or place to experience true genuine love is in a relationship with the ONE who created and whose very being defines it. Not only is GOD the true example of love, he is LOVE, and apart from his love none of us could love or be loved
(1 John 4:19)
God loves us with his heart, strength and mind, . Being loved means having someone know us so well and care about us so much that he/she uses all their strength, mind and soul to give us what is good and and what is best for us even before we ask, even when we do not know what it is.
That someone is GOD.

To be complete love must flow in two directions.
God’s call “of” love is paired with his command “to” love.
Ironically, the only way any of us ever find ourselves is to lose ourselves falling in love with GOD, for that is where we find our true selves and who we were meant to be.

Did you know that you can replace the word God in the bible with “LOVE” and the word “love” in the bible with “GOD” because God is love ….and love is - God.

In a letter Paul wrote to the Christians living in Corinth he said “Love never fails” that equals to “God never fails”

Where am I going?

Well we (Vanessa & Liz) know we are going where God leads us. We may not know where that may be, but we LOVE him enough to trust him with our lives. We know he will not lead us astray.
We are both willing to go into the dark places where evil is causing chaos and confusion, where there is NO LOVE.

If we can master loving GOD, then I believe we will become masters of UNDERSTANDING love.

We have attached a video of TD Jakes (One of our favourite) speaking on "Seeking God"


  1. Ohh my God ladies this is beautiful. God, God, this is so beautiful. Thank you. This made my day.

  2. Thank you. Yes my sister we are focusing to much time trying to figure out the whole love thing without focusing on what and who is important. Without truly falling in love with God, we will never know what true love is. Falling into a deep love with God is work. Its an every day, every moment of the day, non stop desire to get cloer to him. Oh i pray i get there. I really do.

