Friday, April 17, 2015

Is Quitting An Option?

I gotta tell you, what I love most about what I do, is that I get to use my pain to serve the world. What a gift..
But for me, life wasn't always this way. Growing up as a young child I couldn't see past my pain and couldn't even imagine a future. I often prayed and asked God to get me out of that pain so that He can use me but I barely understood what that meant. But I do know that I wanted Him to use me to make this world a better place for other girls who like me; were hopeless. I knew deep within my soul, that I was born with a purpose and one day I'd be free.
Today, I have discovered my purpose ON purpose.
How did this happen? Well, faith the size of a mustard seed- like this one seen in the picture below, is ALL you need.
All of the legends and hero's that you look up too and admire discovered their purpose in their own pain. People like:
Michael Jordon who got cut off his high school basketball team.
Walt Disney was fired as a newspaper editor because he lacked imagination and had no good ideas (mind blowing huh).
Jerry Seinfeld was booed off stage many times.
Oprah was continuously rejected, born into poverty, sexually abused and was told many times she was unfit for TV.
Steven Spielberg got rejected from film school three times.
Thomas Edison was told by his teachers that he was "too stupid to learn anything" and he went on to invent world-changing devices- like the electrical lamp.
Vera Wang failed to make the U.S Olympic figure skating team. She went on to become the editor at Vogue and was passed over the editor in Chief position.
Yes they were embarrassed and shut down, but look, they didn't make it because they had riches, that came long after. They became successful because they knew and understood that there was purpose in their pain. They refused to quit. Quitting never became an option for them. Did it cross their mind? uggg yeah I am sure it did. But they were determined to build a legacy.
Some of the greatest authors were rejected over 1000 times. Like, Theodor Seuss Geisel better known as Dr.Seus- who had his first book rejected by 27 publishers. He went on to become a legendary author for world classics like 'The Cat In the Hat' and 'Green Eggs and Ham'.
So yes rejection comes and yes it's not a good feeling, but it's apart of your journey. Their lessons that we absolutely need.
You will do what you have been born and called to do. Stop trying to be somebody else because everyone else is already taken. Your job right now is to set yourself FREE.
When you're not focused on what that 'purpose' is or what your passions are, you will get caught up. You will get pulled into things and people that have nothing to do with your purpose.
What do you have to let go of TODAY?

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