Thursday, October 27, 2011

What Are Your Plans?

With Christmas holidays around the corner, we are busy making plans, deciding where to go and who to spend time with.....right?

Your probably going back and forth on who is really worth your precious time on such an important holiday. Well, let me tell you this (as i have done a lot of thinking too) If you have family, brothers, sisters, aunties, uncles, cousins etc, then spend it with them. Even if you have not seen them in years or have a grudge against them for whatever reason, reach out to them this Xmas. Make this year a special one. Please do yourself that favor.

Truthfully, there is not joy, like being with your family. Nothing is worth your time away from them. Look, i spent so many years (many years ago) away from my family. Every xmas or thanksgiving i cried inside wondering what they were doing. Today, noway! Every holiday, we are together. All of us. If there are people who don't speak (still) then i share my time between them. But nothing is more important to me then my familia!

Stop looking for reasons why you don't speak to someone. So they did you wrong or said something to offend you, so what! Grow up. No I'm serious.  There is nothing you can tell me that i have not been through, unless its "doing drugs" otherwise i have been there, done that! So i know what it feels like to be hurt, betrayed and abandoned......But i give God thanx for my life and for my parents and family EVERYDAY! Despite my story. If it was not for them, i would not have a story. So please make a difference in your life NOW.

Don't go on another minute without PEACE. Make a difference! Do not allow pride to get in your way.
If you have not yet read it, go and but A NEW EARTH by Eckart Tolle. The book talks about and describes the different types of "pride" that we deal with on an everyday basis.

I try so hard not to let "pride " get in my way. It's hard but I'm working on it.
When it comes to my family, i don't care how i look, i will say sorry or forgive me. Even when i have not done anything wrong. Because i know the difference it will make. Period.

I love you all and hope this blog has made a difference in your "Holiday Plans"

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