Day in and day out; I am on a natural high! I am healthy in love with ME! I mean yes the obvious is because I am alive and well and have been given a second chance at truly living a life of joy and love and of course good health. However, all of the above doesn't come without putting in the work. I wake up everyday thanking God for another day of life and telling Him that I am available as an open vessel to be used. I then begin brainstorming on healthy meals and juicing. I could definitely do better with the meals but one thing I will never slack on is "My Juicing Life"
It has transformed every aspect of my life; my energy, skin, hair, moods, vitality, immune system, self love, sleep patterns and more. But above all- how I see my body, mind and soul. If I happen to get only 5 hours of sleep, I can wake up-juice and bang I feel as if I slept 9 hours. I feel younger today than I did 10 years ago. And that is the truth.
The regular consumption of fresh vegetable juice is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your body.
Today I want to share some juicing facts:
Juicing can reduce your risk of cancer, boost your immune system, help you remove toxins from your body, aid digestion, and help you lose weight.
There's no scientific evidence that extracted juices are healthier than the juice you get by eating the fruit or vegetable itself. But if you don't enjoy eating fruits and vegetables, juicing is an awesome way to add them to your diet.
When juicing, try to keep some of the pulp. Not only does it have healthy fiber, but it can help fill you up as well.
By consuming vegetable juice you are giving your body an instant boost of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and nutrients in a form that your body can digest easily.
Stick to 80% vegetables and 20% fruit. Otherwise this can add unwanted calories and lead to weight gain.
The nutrients from a vegetable juice will enter your bloodstream within 30 minutes of drinking it.
Juicing is an easy way to get so many more vegetables into our diet, and to increase the amount of raw food we consume which increases our energy levels, boosts the immune system and helps detoxify the body of toxins.
Green juices (especially) contain high amounts of chlorophyll which is effective in helping the body detoxify.
Vegetables juices using raw vegetables are extremely alkaline for our body.
Vegetable juice has high levels of antioxidants. Antioxidants are a group of vitamins, minerals and enzymes that help to enhance our health.
People who consume vegetable juices daily have noticed an improvement in many skin conditions such as eczema, dryness, oiliness, acne and few allergies.
Drinking a vegetable juice daily can improve the body’s ability to burn fat. I am a living witness that people who are juicing are likely eating less junk food and feeling better; as a result are more active, which would contribute to losing excess weight.
It is unwise to use juicing as a meal replacement. Unless, of course you are detoxing.
These are just a few facts on Juicing.
My Favorite Juicing Recipe is
"Ms Devalicious Juice"
2 Large Beets
1 cup of spinach or kale
1 lemon or lime
1 apple
1-2 inches of fresh ginger to boost circulation
1 cup of spinach or kale
1 lemon or lime
1 apple
1-2 inches of fresh ginger to boost circulation
2 carrots